Obstetrics & Gynecology in Augusta, GA

Call for your New Pregnancy appointment….

We have been delivering babies at University Hospital and St. Joseph’s (Trinity) Hospital since the 1970s.  We provide convenient and comprehensive care.  All our doctors are seeing new high risk and low risk pregnant patients.  Please contact our office today to schedule your new pregnancy appointment.

Finding out you are pregnant is exciting but it can be overwhelming.  We strive to provide care keeping that in mind.  Your initial Obstetric visit allows us the opportunity to answer concerns and to individualize care.  Our office staff will help answer insurance and financial questions.   Thousands of women from the CSRA have entrusted us with their care during this very special time in their lives.  We are honored to continue this tradition and are excited about your pregnancy.

Urinary Incontinence concerns?

The loss of bladder control is a very common problem.  It tends to worsen after child birth or as we get older.  The severity can range from occasional loss of urine during activity (such as coughing or running) to incontinence while at rest.  Other bladder symptoms such as urgency and frequency can further complicate the treatment of bladder control.

If urinary symptoms affect your daily activities or prevent you from engaging in certain activities, then contact your doctor.  In some cases, simple lifestyle changes and pelvic floor exercises can make a difference.  Other patients may be candidates for surgery such as a Vaginal Sling, which is performed by all our providers.   These are minimally invasive outpatient procedures that typically last less than half an hour and provide a supportive hammock under the urethra, preventing it from opening prematurely when you cough or sneeze etc.

If you or someone you know is having bothersome incontinence, schedule an appointment to discuss options with your doctor.

Gardasil Vaccine

We continue to offer the Gardasil Vaccine which helps protect against the most common strains of Human Papilloma Virus, which can cause abnormal pap smears. Contact Women’s Health of Augusta at 706-733-4427 for an appointment.

3D Sonograms

We have a new ultrasonographer, Jennifer. Schedule your keepsake 3-D Sonogram pictures with her. Contact Women’s Health of Augusta at 706-733-4427 for an appointment.